Library of Congress subject headings Subject headings LCSH 21 - 21st ed - Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service Wash., D.C. 1998 1998 - 5 v. ; 31 cm.

"The twenty-first edition of Library of Congress subject headings (LCSH 21)...contains headings established through December 1997"--p. iii v.1. A-C - v.2. D-H - v.3. L-M - v.4. N-R - v.5. S-Z Volumes 1-4 on order. Volume 5 now available. تم تحويل رمز المكتبة من ICPH الى SKDL بتاريخ 1/2/2010


Subject headings , Library of Congress--Z

Z695.L695 1998