Gender matters (Videocassetta) Women in the Third World

Gender matters (Videocassetta) Women in the Third World producer Meg Sheffield - Production for The Open University (London) 1991 - 1 videocassette (ca. 25 min.) : sd. , col. ; 35 in. [M2LTP_COVER]

يتناول الفيلم عمل المرأة في شتى المجالات مثل الزراعة ، أعمال البيت ، تربية الأطفال ، وتقوم لوحدها بمعظم الأعمال و تتحمل المسؤليات وحدها دون مساعدة الرجل This film is about women`s work in the Third World. Rural women who work in the field besides her responsibilities at home raising her children, doing the housework without the help of the man. It discusses the subordination of women in the Developing Countries like India , Africa and Latin America , Peru as an example.
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